About the Chocolate Box of Horror

The Chocolate Box of Horror started with the thought that horror is a little like a box of chocolates. You like some of the chocolates, there may be one or two you really love, and then there are some you just hate. Without a list of the types and their ingredients, you have to just look at a chocolate, try to guess what’s inside, and take a risk. You could break one open if you want, but that takes away from the otherwise perfect little treat.

If you love horror, odds are there are elements you like, one or two you really love, and then some you just hate. You have to look at trailers and reviews, guess what it might contain, and take a risk. You could hunt down spoilers, but for many people, that takes away from the joy of a great movie.

The Chocolate Box of Horror is intended to provide you with a list of ‘ingredients’ in a horror movie. You can look up elements and tropes you enjoy, while avoiding those you don’t.

The movies won’t be given a rating, but my personal favourites with be found under ‘Chocolatier’s Choice’.

Zombie bride photo taken by Corey Narsted of CMImages.